Saturday 19 May 2012

Bayside Boats - Personal Brief Design

When setting myself a personal design brief I always approach it with the mentality of "less is more". I want to create something that isn't busy but creative and fun to design. Taking inspiration from my last personal brief, I decided to create something that was based a little close to home.

I was walking along the coast road up in Baldoyle one evening. It was a lovely evening and there was plenty of activity from joggers to people in boats on the water. I thought of how a boat for hire business would make a killing during the summer and I thought of what it would be called and how a logo would look. With that, I had an idea for a personal brief.

I sat down one night and started thinking of ideas. Sketched for a few minutes and then began making a few things on my laptop. I decided it would be nice to somehow combine the name with a graphic, something that stuck to my less is more feel. 

I decided the name would be Bayside Boats. Thinking of how I could incorporate an image with the name, I was browsing boats and seen a small boat and it's mainsail + jib looked a lot like an "A". With that visual in my head I created a boat as a letter and the rest just fell into place. 

Here is the final piece. I'm quite happy with it and happy to get it done in a short time, an hour of designing (including design concept/sketching).

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